Peer review policy

Oromia Law Journal adheres to a ‘double blind’ peer review policy. Accordingly, submissions passing initial screening undergo rigorous review. Articles will be referred to two external anonymous reviewers to be selected having regard to their expertise on the subject matter of the manuscripts. Other types of contributions shall be reviewed in-house, i.e., by the Editor with expertise in the subject matter of the manuscript; in the absence of a suitable in-house reviewer, the submission may be referred to an external reviewer.

The editors adhere to the principle of ‘‘first come first served ’’ in the course of screening submissions or referring the same to reviewers.

Conflict of interest policy

If a member of editorial team is an author of a manuscript, s/he removed at the time of evaluating the manuscript. An article shall be referred to two external reviewers who do not have a conflict of interest with the author of the article for further evaluation. The Editor-in-Chief and managing editor, together handle issues of conflict of interests.

Copyright policy

The journal provides open access to its content freely with a view to support global knowledge exchange. It is protected by Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derives [CC BY-NC-ND] license.

  N.B: We already fix this and wait for approval of the authorized body to write the policy on the print copy of the journal.

Ethical policy

Authors, reviewers and publisher need to adhere to the highest standard of publication ethics while writing, reviewing or publishing works.

Authors should:

  • present accurate and balanced data.
  • make objective analysis; free from political, religious, ethnic or any other bias.
  • Submit only original works. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable.
  • not submit a paper that has been previously published elsewhere or a modification of it except where secondary publication is needed by Oromia Law Journal.
  • ensure all appropriate authors where a paper is written by more than one author
  • respect the privacy right of humans
  • notify Oromia Law Journal when they discover a significant error or inaccuracy in their published works. They should also cooperate with editors to make any correction.

Reviewers should:

  • do assessment as objective as possible
  • notify the editors if s/he cannot review the manuscript for reasons like conflict of interest
  • treat authors and their works with respect
  • keep the manuscript they received confidential document
  • alert the editors about any ethical issues.

The Publisher should:

  • take violation of any ethical standards such as plagiarism seriously.

gather evidences on ethical issues that need investigation and take appropriate measures

Retraction policy

The journal takes corrective measure by publishing gross error discovered and confirmed after publication immediately in its subsequent publication.

Accordion Content

The Journal publishes manuscripts submitted either in English or Oromic.

The electronic (online) version of the Oromia Law Journal is an open access publication. All its contents are available free of charge.
